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[Version 1.0] Thursday, November 14th

Today we came up with a new concept for a game idea. Inspired by the phrase "We write our own stories. For the first time, in another language.", and by the desire to create something for the visually impaired. We want to have a game in which you don't need to look at the screen (hence why it will most probably contain nothing, just a blank screen). All you have to rely on is sound. And since we want to write our stories in a new language, we agreed that music is a universal thing that people can understand, no matter of their native language. It is something new that connects us all and that we can use as the concept of language.


That's why we want this game idea to rely heavily on music, more than anything.


We thought about the game idea from the brainstorming session where you have a suitcase and must collect memories. This would be interesting to combine with music, collect audio memories. We thought that maybe we could have a child trying to cross the border form one country to another, and it's dark and the only thing that guides them is the steps they hear from the guards, or the memories of other people in that exact spot they are situated in. This is very interesting and I would definitely play this game. It seems to be going towards a horror game.

Game Idea no. 3: Bio

The idea of the game is as follows:


It is a game for mobile devices, in a 3D space.

You play as a memory collector, collecting other migrants' memories from when they were in the space that you currently are. This will allow the players to understand the danger of immigration in a unique way, almost from the perspective of a real migrant.


The players are situated in an open world, and can take any path they desire. The order in which they collect the memories is not predetermined. In fact, making your own string of memories might lead you to understand the story differently, making the experience more personal.


To play the game, the players must carefully listen to what's around them, what they are stepping on, what surrounds them. They can hear their own footsteps and their actions, as well as the environment around them.


This concept also touches on the subject of perspectives. A story can be looked at through so many perspectives as people take part in it. Choosing your own path will allow for your own opinion and perspective of the game story, and hence, your own experience.


With all the liberty the player has, there will be some threats scattered around the world, so that the game play is not just like reading/listening a book. This will allow for a more immersive experience, the player being put in the situation of danger.


The art style of the game is very minimal, since you can also play the game without looking at the screen. We encourage the players to not look at the screen and imagine their own world. Having been on a mobile device, the game will be easy to pick up and play, and you won't be bound to the couch or a chair. This will also allow for an immersive experience. If you feel like you need to stand up and listen to what's around you, or you need to hide, that will be great, as you device will allow you to.


We also thought we could make the game multiplayer, or give access to the other players to the memories unlocked by you. If the enter your world, then they will hear some light footsteps that will take them on your journey, allowing them to experience what you experienced, and then, you can confront the story from different points of view.

Game Idea no. 3: Bio

I think this game idea is one of the most exciting we came up with and I believe it's worth trying to develop further. It has immense potential to create something new.


However, my only issue is that the game idea is very close to my research, someone trying to illegally cross the border. I think we need to stir away from this. I love the concept of using music as a language and focusing on the audio side of the game, but I think there's research to be done before going further.

Game Idea no. 3: Bio
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