Friday, November 1st

Friday, November 1st
The feedback I have received today is very interesting to analyse. As it was expected, the ideas that people come up with are for serious games, games that make a change. One recurring theme seems to be the loss of something or someone important for the protagonist. It's natural to have this feeling about migration, that you lost something, and I believe all these ideas are worth looking into, but after spending two weeks researching the theme, I have been feeling very bad about the whole thing. The issues that exist and the problems these children are going through are unimaginable, it's not a game. I believe such an experience is too much to put into a game, and it will never feel like the real action. But most importantly, I don't want to gamify this process that can be so painful. Hence why, I decided to not make a game about migration. I will definitely take concept and ideas from my research, but making a game about migration at this point, and with my skills, would not end well.
I appreciate all the ideas that have been put forward, but a serious game that addresses migration issues would have a much bigger scale than what we can do in one semester.