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Friday, October 18th - Friday, November 1st
In this phase, we have to pick one subject out of the four that we have researched in the previous phase, and deep dive into it. This means becoming a 'mini expert' in the field. This will be difficult for me, because I never think I can have enough information about something so that I can consider myself a mini expert.
Out of the four topics I researched, I chose migration to go forward. The reason for this is because I consider it a major issue in the world nowadays, and not enough attention in drawn to it. A good game, if it is designed and developed properly, could help raise questions and awareness of the cause.
Phase 2: Bio
As Adam suggested, for my research, I watched some documentaries and movies about migration. I thought this was the best way to find more about migration, as words on paper cannot possibly explain what people who are affected by this issue are facing. I picked a few documentaries that seemed to be talking about what I wanted to find out, and then I watched them. It has been a depressing week, I must tell you.
I confirmed one thing to myself: the situation is very bad, especially in the USA. The dangers people are going through, and children, are unimaginable. Trying to find out the reasons why they do this, I found out that, strangely, many people's motivation of migrating, legally or illegally is love. People do this for their children. Or so they think. They want to offer their kids a better life. While for some, that might mean safety, for example in countries threatened by war, for others, that means a better financial life. This poverty that everyone tries to escape is affecting children in many ways. Some of them see their family's situation ever since they are young, for example, Juan Carlos, who was 13, left for the US with his cousin. In the letter wrote to his mother, he said that he is doing this because he wants to support his family. In other ways, parents leave without taking their children with them, leaving them with relatives. This is often happening in China and Eastern Europe. The children left-behind then suffer from loneliness, depression, and other big issues. If the parents take the children with them, then the children must learn to accommodate to a completely new life. Another challenge for someone so young.
What I have noticed doing my research over the past two weeks, is that there is a cycle that starts and ends in poverty. There are many pitfalls in which people can fall and unfortunately, most of them do. So, my question is this: how can we, as 9 to 5 workers, break this circle?
Phase 2: Bio

Phase 2: Image
What did I learn from my research?
I learnt that this cycle is tremendously dangerous, for all generations that are part of it. I am definitely not against people migrating, I just want people to be aware of the effects this process has on children, and be aware of the effects, short, or long term.
I have been able to find many interesting things, but I think what I found most valuable is the feelings that the documentaries have made me feel. There are words and quotes that have stayed with me ever since I heard them, which I noted and commented in my Phase I & II Sketchbook. This is what I was looking for. Stories, feelings, and and people. I f I am to make a game about migration, I want to give a face to those people that are suffering so much. I have gained more than just information, but rather, experience. I think this is the most important part of my research. Of course, watching and listening to these stories can't compare to living them, but I am sure I now know more about people who only hear about migrants through news.
The talk that I had with Dr. D'Souza helped me take all this information and identify the key points of migration. He showed me how to use my research in the next phase in order to come up with new and different game ideas. To do this, I must write down words, quotes, objects, that I believe are important, and then develop concepts and ideas from then on. This has brought my feet to the ground and now I believe I know what I'm doing. Before the talk, I was feeling like I had this big amount of information, and everything was interesting and valuable, but I was stressed about the next phase because we need three completely different game ideas, and I didn't even know how to approach getting started. I feel much better about my work now that I talked to him.
I am still a bit scared about the next phase, as we are to come up with 3 game ideas, and a create a prototype for each, which is very big and I am not confident enough in my skills, but at least now I have a start.
Overall, this phase was very depressing, both because of the content of my work, and because I was scared of the next phase, but I was able to obtain a good amount of information, that I believe will be able to inspire more than 3 game ideas. I just need to make sure I follow the steps Adam is telling us to make and the schedule of the semester, and it should be fine.
Phase 2: Bio
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