From the Cosmogony topic, I decided to look into Cosmology, what the universe is made of, dark matter, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
I found out that it all started with a microscopic point in which an infinite amount of energy was concentrated. Its density was so great that it ended up exploding. The energy began to expand, creating a new reality. After the Big Bang, our Space appeared, and Time began.
I believe this is really beautiful, and while reading about it, the only thing I could think about was how I wished I could experience such a wonder, flying and wondering around just observing it happen.
Having a particular interest in stars, I began researching what they are, their life cycles and other interesting facts about them.
I’ve been able to find fascinating things, such as the fact that stars are enormous spheres of burning gas, the colour and size of a star is related to its temperature, their whole life is a battle against gravity, we are literally made of star dust – I’m so excited about all this!
Since I am on a games course, I thought that doing more visual research would be a great idea – and also, I’m kind of required to. While looking into it, I wished I could see more videos showing the life of a star, but recording such things is rather a recent thing since technology is quite new, in comparison to a star’s life duration – insignificant, really. Despite this, I have been able to get a good idea of how stars look like from a closer approach, how they work, and what happens to them after they die.
I really like this subject and I believe wonderful things can come out of it. I think I’m beginning to make a game idea in my head and I’m looking forward to finding more things related to this topic.
